Como diz o título, são fragmentos da minha vida, alguns fatos marcantes, importantes, da rotina. E, é claro, como na minha vida existem várias pessoas, esse blog vai acabar virando "Fragmentos de várias vidas". Espero que seja divertoso!

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segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

Mug cake

I learned this recipe in an english class. It's easy to prepare and it's delicious!

1 small egg;
4 soup spoons milk;
3 soup spoons oil;
2 shallow soup spoons chocolate powder;
4 shallow soup spoons sugar;
4 shallow soup spoons wheat flour;
1 shallow coffee spoon baking powder;
1 mug (at least 400 mL capacity) smeared with oil.

How to make it:
Put the egg in the mug and beat it well.
Add oil, sugar, milk and chocolate powder and beat it a little bit more.
Finally, add wheat flour, beat, and then the baking powder and stir it delicately until it blends.
Put the mug in the microwave of 3 minutes at maximum power.
And that's it!

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